If I say health checks are the ONLY thing that can save you prior to the onset of diseases, I would only be telling lies. The mention of Good Quality Life has to mean the addition of good nutrition, proper hydration at work. But how will good hydration and a balanced diet help you at work? Let us address that here.
Benefits of Hydration at Work
Drinking more than two liters of water every day can improve all bodily functions. The kidneys get to work and the skin gets to shine. Water flushes away all the toxins from the bloodstream, which pulls down the stress levels. With proper hydration, your brain stays active the entire time at the workplace. It is able to concentrate better than ever as you sip down a glass of water. Not just mental, but the physical performance shows visible changes. You do not get fatigued easily, just a glass of water can take away the laziness and fill you up with new energy.
Moreover, migraine is a very common workplace hazard that can be avoided by keeping yourself hydrated all day. Remember the solution to migraine and headache is not Aspirin but those extra glasses of water. Dehydration can also cause irritability and mood swings. You might take out your entire stress on a co-worker, or misbehave with another.
And last but not the least, water is the most healthy and CHEAP beverage you’ll find in the office. Sodas and fruit juices might not be affordable every day but water is for free.
Excessive vitamins and minerals can cause toxic effects within your body, but trust me drinking excessive water every day would only bring you benefits. However, I must warn you about one con. The visits to the bathroom can greatly increase in number.
You may be stunned by knowing that more than 90000 people die in Japan because they don’t drink enough water at their long working jobs. So keep yourself hydrated at work to save yourself from heavy hospital bills.
Benefits of Good Nutrition at Work
Coming towards the other heading, Nutrition. Nutrition is important to stay fresh and be more productive than usual at the workplace. We spend our entire day at work and eating the right food is important during this time. Employees who take breakfast in the morning show marked performance than employees who don’t. Moreover, lunch is as important even in busy office hours as any other meal of the day. Drinking coffee, relying on crisps, or just munching might make you feel nice temporarily but in the long term makes you lethargic. Your cells and body demand proper nutrition and a balanced diet. Add salad, dairy, and fresh juice to your lunch routine.
Good nutrition keeps your brain active and you are more concentrated on work. Stress at the job can make an employee doubt his capabilities but taking nutritious food, vegetables, fruits, and vitamin doses can decrease stress hormones. Employees who take a balanced diet fall sick less often.
The overall impact on Occupational Health
In the long term you’ll take fewer sick leaves, you wouldn’t have to opt for early retirements. Moreover, even the chances to get systemic diseases (such as cardiovascular or Diabetes Mellitus) decreases to some extent. In short, you’ll save on later medical costs and also improve overall health. A healthier workforce gives the company an overall reduction in recruitment costs and health insurance.
Lastly remember, good health is important because you can’t pour anything out of an empty cup. So don’t forget to take your water bottle and fruit salad with you to work.